Hope's grandmother, Rhea Groleau (one of my grandma Barbara's cousins), had given her one of my bracelets. Hope asked her what it said, and what it was about. Rhea told her
about me, that I was in a wheelchair. Hope said "Grandma, that's not fair." Hope went off to her room, and came back with some loose change in the baggie that the bracelet came in and said "Grandma, can you give this to Gene for me?" There was $1.68 in that little bag. She had emptied her piggy bank for Bay Cliff, but that little bag was really filled with a lot of love.
Thank you, Hope. Your love means a lot to me.
I'm crying. I was a counselor at Bay Cliff in 1995. I have wonderful memories of Bay Cliff and think it's wonderful both what you did making this journey and what this little girl did giving her all.